“Your journey begins with your intentions,” says valedictorian, Nor Atikah Aznan

By Shaireza Jaafar

GOMBAK, 26 November 2023: “Imam al-Ghazali in his book, ‘The Beginning of Guidance,’ once said, ‘There is no way to reach the end without mastering the beginning,’ your journey begins with your intentions,” says the valedictorian, of the second session, at the 39th IIUM Convocation today, Nor Atikah binti Aznan,

“Today, I am not only looking at the faces of proud graduates, but I am also looking at champions, heroes, fighters, and survivors,” expressed Atikah who earned a master’s degree in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) from the Kulliyyah of Education (KOED).

In her speech, Atikah highlighted four notable attributes that graduates are responsible for embodying as they step out of the door which include Khalifah, Amanah, Iqra’, and Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin as these characteristics have been embedded and nurtured by the university and represent the IIUM as a whole.

She then further expressed that as a student, she realised many things including the essence of Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin which she said can be felt in profound ways like through the kindness we receive from people as well as the meaningful connections we make with the community. 

On another note, in explaining the true role of Khalifa, she said that the words, “Leading the Way” from the official song of the IIUM resonates deeply with us (the graduates) because it gives us the responsibility, we bear for the Ummah, and she further expressed, “We should not only be the best version of ourselves, but we should also be the best version who Allah SWT is pleased with.”

In sharing her journey, Atikah stated, “Pursuing a master’s was my initial plan after a few years of teaching, but it is after nine years that I finally landed in this university with a scholarship, as it is with the help of Allah SWT that I finally made it. Indeed, He is the perfect planner.”

“There were times when I felt like my hopes had left my body, and my energy was at one percent, but I believe I made it to this day through the unwavering support given by my family and friends as they are the ones who made this postgraduate journey possible,” she asserted.

Atikah emphasised the significance of connecting oneself with the community to avoid being drowned in a whirlpool of negativity while thanking her colleagues who introduced her to the postgraduate society in KOED where she got to connect with expert researchers, friends, and university members.

In her concluding remarks, she thanked her family members, friends, her supervisor and she ended with an important quote that illustrated the person who made her grounded, her mother, “Ibu adalah rumah saya dan rumah adalah di mana keluarga saya berada, setinggi mana saya terbang, sejauh mana kaki melangkah, saya akan berlari pulang ke rumah.”***