Mahallah Aminah celebrates Women’s Month with Chromacare

By, Nur Najia Nazri and and Zee Allyssa

GOMBAK, 21 May 2024: In conjunction with Women’s Month, Mahallah Aminah organised an event to empower women known as Chromacare: Enhancing you Inside & Out, on 17 May 2024 at IIUM’s Research Management Centre.

The speaker, Ms. Nadiah Ibrahim, who is also Director and certified Image Consultant of Ardent Beauty Sdn. Bhd divided the programme into two sessions: personal grooming and colour analysis. 

She started her talk by emphasising on the importance of conducting a colour analysis by identifying the colours that suit oneself. According to her, colours can affect a person’s lifestyle, personality, and emotions. By wearing the right colour palette, a person’s confidence can significantly be increased. As the saying goes, “Confidence comes from within.” 

She also explained on skin undertone and universal colours to the audience. According to Ms. Nadiah, universal colours are the most suitable in designing team uniforms as they suit everyone. Universal colours are for instance, medium turquoise, warm pink, teal blue, and soft white. 

The second part of the programme was colour analysis. The speaker shared that in determining a person’s colour type, the three features that must be observed are one’s skin, hair, and eyes. 

A few final pointers from the experienced colour analyst was to seek and be mindful of different colours to easily differentiate them when doing colour analysis by oneself.

The director of Ardent Beauty also mentioned, “If it enhances your imperfections, it is not for you. If the colour absorbs your imperfections, it is for you!” as a key in finding whether the colour matches a person well.

Additionally, she suggested that it is preferred for us to wear a more abstract or geometrical design as an alternative to floral designs to come across as being more professional at the office.

“Overall I am happy that my mission to educate young girls as well as deliver the right techniques on colour analysis is achieved,” the advocate of women empowerment added as her last words before ending the fruitful event.***