Leadership in Action: Impairment is not a barrier

By Nurul Shafiqah

GOMBAK, 10 May 2023: Leadership in Action Talk Series No.1 was held on 17 March 2023 at the Main Auditorium IIUM Gombak from  9.00 a.m. until 12.00 p.m. 

The programme aimed to inspire individuals with different abilities and that their differences are not a barrier to success while promoting empathy and bringing attention to the challenges faced by persons with disabilities (PwDs).

Physical limitation is not a barrier for a PwD to become a billionaire, as long as they have the right mindset, support, and opportunities said the speaker of the talk, Tuan Mohd Khairul Nizam Bin Wahiddin who has a physical disability. In spite of his disability, he is now a billionaire.

Tuan Nizam who is also the Managing Director of Jamumall Sdn Bhd said that, to gain a person’s trust early on in your business, it is vital to have faith in yourself.

œConsistent marketing and self-promoting are crucial to achieving success in business, said Tuan Nizam during the sharing session. 

In his concluding remarks, he expressed his hopes that Malaysia will become more accommodating towards the community who is disabled. 

The talk continues with a sharing session by a retired Major General in the military, Datuk Yusri Anwar. In his speech, he mentioned, œSelf-leadership skills are important for an individual before he can lead others.

œThe ability to influence and direct your own thoughts while having a positive attribute is what self-leadership is, said the speaker. 

He added that inclusive leadership is also essential for creating a diverse and equitable environment that values and respects everyone. 

He also urged the students to emulate Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) humble, compassionate leadership style focused on serving and empowering followers.

The series was organized by the Disabilities Service Unit (DSU), IIUM in collaboration with the Department of Higher Education (JPT), Kuliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences (KENMS), and KAB Goldynamics Sdn.Bhd. ***

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