Reiterating IIUMs Philosophy, Vision and Mission during Ta’aruf

By Sharifah Batrisyia

GOMBAK, 27 September 2021: A session with former Rector, Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dr. Mohd Kamal Hassan was organised virtually by the committee of IIUM Taaruf week semester 1, 2021/2022 to give an in-depth explanation regarding IIUMs philosophy, vision and mission to the newly intake students.

The session began with an explanation on the philosophy of IIUM which is the meaning of Surah Al-Alaq and the emphasis of the repeated word ˜Iqra in the surah.

Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dr. Mohd Kamal Hassan described the philosophy of IIUM as the soul of the institution.

œThe soul is the most important part of the body. Surah Al-Alaq shows us that Allah commands us to acquire knowledge in the name of Allah. By making surah Al-Alaq as the soul of IIUM, it will produce leaders that will always strive to seek knowledge in the name of Allah and will regard this journey as a jihad, Prof. Kamal said.

The professor proceeded to elucidate the vision of IIUM by stating that IIUM aims at becoming a leading international centre of educational excellence that produces leaders who are dynamic as well as able to shape a progressive ummah that excel in all kinds of knowledge.

He said: œWe want to recapture the glory of Islam in all branches of knowledge that we have lost for the last centuries, not by swords and killings, but by being excellent in knowledge and in promotion of useful technologies.

Prof. Emeritus Kamal moved on explicating the seven missions of IIUM where he stated that not only do the IIUM students and staff need to remember the seven missions of IIUM, they also need to have a deep understanding of each of those seven missions to build a true leader.

During the session, Prof. Kamal emphasised that IIUM is a place with no discrimination in regard of international students and local students. 

He added, œIIUM is a garden of virtue and knowledge that welcomes a civilised conversation with other religions and beliefs on par with the sixth mission of IIUM which is to enhance intercultural understanding and foster civilisation dialogues in Malaysia.”

Before ending the insightful session, Prof. Kamal once again reminded the new intake students about the beauty of IIUMs philosophy, vision and mission and to go back to the soul of IIUM if one is lost or is tired while seeking knowledge.

œEvery time you are tired or feel unsure of your future, remember to always go back to the core of IIUM. We seek knowledge in the name of Allah while aiming to improve and help our ummah around the world,” he reassured the students.

For more insight into the philosophy, vision and mission of IIUM, readers can visit Session with Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri. Dr. Mohd Kamal Bin Hassan (Vision & Mission of IIUM) ***

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