Friendships rekindled through virtual reunion in cyberspace

By Aini Nabilah Sharipuddin

People have always said that true friendship flourishes during university years. This is obvious because we shared our joys and sorrows with friends regardless of the circumstances, time or location.

Thus, the presence of this pandemic COVID-19 has unwittingly limited our physical interaction and time with them. We are unable to convey and share our feelings in a more intimate and exclusive manner. 

This is due to the fact that we are separated by distance, location, and different time zone.

Our happiness is greatly influenced by our friendships. Friendships relieve stress, bring comfort and joy, and keep us from feeling lonely or isolated. Having close friendships can also benefit our physical and mental health.

Fortunately, technology allows us to connect and to stay in touch with our friends. Surely it is not the same, but as long as we can communicate with them, everything will be fine. 

The Google Meet has become our new standard platform for connecting with others. Students use this to hold a virtual reunion in order to stay in touch with their beloved friends regardless of where they are located. 

With my beloved and wonderful classmates ever

Indeed, the virtual reunion is the best channel of communication during this time, with the goal of sharing laughter and having a close conversation with friends.

Rather than relying solely on video calls on the WhatsApp platform, it is the best app because it allows for unlimited participants and the sharing of screens, making the reunion more meaningful.

Despite the time constraints and the fact that some of us are struggling with the line connection, it is extremely beneficial and can help to strengthen existing friendships. 

Playing some online interactive games to kill time during the reunion is a good way to spend time. It creates a lively atmosphere, and we can also hear the voices of friends we have not seen for a long time.

The deep conversation in sharing words of appreciations and expressing the feelings is the highlight slot that we need to do. This will enable our friends to have an opportunity in thanking and acknowledging the friendship values inside from the bottom of their hearts. 

Definitely, it will make us cry, offer an apology, feel touched and appreciated at the same time (it looks like we’re chopping onions) as we know and recognise the real feelings of our friends in this friendship. 

That is when we realise that we want the situation to return back to normal, so we can give each other a hug, have a proper conversation, and spend time together as we used to do.

Hopefully, everything that we are praying for will be granted in the best time as He is the only one that knows the best for all of us. 

When that time has come, I totally believe that we will all strive to be a better friend to our friends because we have experienced and felt the pain of being separated from our loved ones.

How we really miss our time together in campus

Taking picture with our lecturer

To all my friends, I strongly recommend doing the same because it allows us to stay connected and create sweet memories to be remembered of one another even during this time of pandemic; as someone has said that “friendship is another word of love”. ***

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