KAED’s Crash Run promotes awareness of healthy lifestyle

By Yasmin Latif

GOMBAK, 28 September 2017: Having a healthy body is an outfit that looks different on everybody. Staying healthy will create more fun in our life. Being active in sports is also one of the important portions for a good health.

Recently (22 September), the Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design (KAED) organised the KAED Crash Run (KCR) 2017 which made its debut at the Kulliyyah’s main building. The run was organised to promote the idea of combining the element of fun in achieving healthy mind and body.

This event was dedicated to all KAED communities including the alumni and staff, and also open to public participation to lead them to live an active and healthy lifestyle.

Succeeded in getting the target of 300 participants, the KAED Crash Run challenged the participants to have a medium range of fun obstacles to make the race a little bit challenging and fun at the same time.

The event’s Programme Manager, Mohammed Fitri, said that “it’s less about 10-minute mile and more about having the time of life”, the KAED Crash Run is a five-kilometre event in which the œcrash runners were doused from head to toe in different colours at each kilometre.

He added, œOur objective is to gather the KAED community, including students, lecturers, and staff in one area, at the same time encouraging health and fitness, and to inculcate ethics and values of good sportsmanship, respect, teamwork, and fairness.

The Run that took place at the parking lot of KAED starting at 8 a.m and finishing at 11 a.m. received a very good feedback through social media. All participants who came from different Kulliyyah and departments participated for a good reason in supporting a healthy lifestyle.

It also received a good feedback from the Dean of KAED, Prof. Ar. Dr. Abdul Razak Sapian, who responded that even though KAED Crash Run was a new event for IIUM, but it managed to attract a good number of participants.***

Photo by KAEDFest17

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