Chinese students society established to enhance relations

By Ma Rong

GOMBAK, 6 May 2016: The last meeting of Chinese Student Society for semester 2, 2015/2016 was held tonight at the Kulliyyah of Economic and Management Sciences seminar room.

The Chinese Student Society was established in June 2012 aimed at enhancing communication among Chinese Muslim students.

It is also intended to introduce their community members to new students and provide a chance for them to get along with each other, to get a clear perspective of Islamic knowledge, to remove the barriers and encourage the initiatives for communication between Chinese students and other students, to better prepare them to face academic tasks and challenges of the future, and to strengthen the Chinese Muslim students unity and integrity among them.

The students are also taught to read Quran and to understand the basic Islamic knowledge by a renowned Chinese Muslim scholar.

“Presentations are held for students to deliver their views and share their knowledge, followed by discussions on a certain topic,” said Ma Mingzhen who is the leader of Chinese Student Society. ***

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