Tuan Faisal Azmy: ‘Everything on the Internet can be hacked’

By, Qistina Rustam

GOMBAK, 28th May 2024: “Everything shared on the Internet can be hacked and it is just a matter of time this happens,” mentioned the Chief Growth Officer of Nexagate, Mr. Tuan Faisal Azmy, during a sharing session titled, “Unveiling Secrets Behind the Screen” today, at IIUM Gombak.

Mr. Tuan Faisal said that cybersecurity plays a big role in protecting the rights, privacy or any activities, online and emphasizes the three different aspects which we have to be aware of that are: confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA). 

“Confidentiality means only the right person will have access to sensitive data and only certain people can know of sensitive information like people’s salaries. Integrity means data should not be tampered with or deliberately modified and availability means data should be accessible to people,” he added.

He said that following the CIA aspects is important to ensure the safety of Internet use and to avoid any data leakage incidents or when it is breached or exploited by another party. 

Aligned with the program theme, Digital Literacy, Mr. Tuan Faisal advised technology users to be more aware of what they share through social media especially due to the rapid technology development which makes sharing online fast and easy.

“There have been a number of profiling data cases where our information was used to create a new profile and this can lead to a more serious case where someone uses our identity for evil purposes and we can be charged for something we did not do,” he mentioned during the session. 

A video he shared during the session tells audiences how hackers can easily gain and exploit information, “What you share online is like a digital footprint, it may be a memory for you, but data for others,” which was the main message from the video. 

The sharing session was a part of the Unleashing Potential Empowering Students program organized by Communication Internship Students 2024 with the purpose to educate students on the importance of digital literacy and was sponsored by SKEM Driving Academy and Malaysian Community Care Foundation (MCCF).***