IIUMSU’s 2024 promising leaders: Iman Raziq and Irfan Rosdin

By Hani Rashid

Gombak, 8 May 2024: Iman Raziq and Irfan Rosdin were voted as the unofficial 2024 Deputy President I and Vice President I of IIUM Student Union by thousands of students who exercised their democratic rights in the campus election conducted on Tuesday, 7 May 2024.

When asked about what he would like to achieve during his tenure, Iman Raziq conveyed his wish to transform the Union to be better and achieve its highest potential, highlighting fundamental objectives which are striving and fighting for the best interests of students. 

œWe include every single voice. It does not matter as I’ve said, it does not matter your background, your race, your from which, your nationality and whatnot. As long as you are a student of this university, we will ensure that they will be part of IIUM no matter what. said Iman when asked about strategies on fostering inclusivity and diversity within the student union and on campus as a whole.

Irfan Rosidin does not believe in political parties, affiliations, or anything else. Therefore, he believes that in order to truly embody the idea of this union, we should operate as a team and as one when asked about his plans to collaborate with the President and other members of the Student Union.

œSimple. It’s just that we actively update our progress on work and especially things that are pertaining to our students, said Irfan regarding transparency and accountability in his role as vice president.

According to the Vice Chairperson of the IIUMSU Election Commission, Adam Hafiz, this is an unofficial announcement and the official position will be confirmed after the objection period within 48 hours.

Out of 20 seats, only two seats were contested on Tuesday which were the central seats for Deputy President I and Vice President I. All the other seats, the three central seats, 11 for Gombak localities, three for Pagoh Campus and one for Kuantan campus were won by candidates who were uncontested. There was one withdrawal from the Office of Welfare, leaving the seat vacant. 

The election recorded a total voter turnout of 17.60 per cent, consisting of 2,845 students from all kulliyyahs. There were also 135 void votes due to the violation of required information such as blurred matric card photo, the wrong kulliyyah indicated and many more.  

One of the voters, Sarah Safiyyah, sent a message to the leaders. She hoped that they will do great in their tenure and help with students™ worries as soon as possible.***