Put an end to violence in Palestine

By Syarifah Nadhirah Binti Syed Abdul Kadir

The Palestinian lands in the heart of the Middle East have been marred by a long-running conflict marked by injustice and unrelenting violence. The roots of the conflict may be traced back to the mid-twentieth century, to 1948, when Israel claimed that they were their lands, displacing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, a period known as the Nakba or Catastrophe. 

Until the end of 2023, the level of violence in the Israeli colonization of Palestine had reached an unprecedented peak. The escalation began with an attack by Hamas, a hardline Palestinian faction from Gaza seeking to overturn the Israeli government’s perceived repressive apartheid regime through violent methods. In response, Israel has undertaken actions such as bombing Palestinian hospitals, severing water and food supplies, and denying  humanitarian aid to civilians. The ongoing situation is unfolding as a real-time tragedy resembling genocide. 

While global protests in support of Palestine have gained momentum, Western media tends to adopt a narrative that leans favourably towards Israel. This narrative has Palestinian groups openly opposing violence. In the midst of these contrasting viewpoints, a deeper analysis rooted in  political philosophy is necessary to address the complexities of the conflict. 

On 28 December 2023, at least 20 Palestinians, including women and children, were killed when Israeli forces attacked an apartment building near the Kuwaiti Specialist Hospital in Rafah, Gaza Strip. The Gaza Strip came under multiple attacks throughout the day, leaving  dozens of people dead while the targeted residential building housing the displaced people was completely destroyed. Ongoing rescue operations by ambulances and civil defense teams aimed to extract people from the rubble. The Palestinian Authority reported that the Israeli bombing claimed at least 50 lives across the Gaza Strip, killing more than 21,320 Palestinians and displacing nearly 90 percent of the population. 

On the very next day, Israel intensified its unprecedented air and ground offensive in central Gaza, compelling displaced Palestinians to once again flee, this time towards the south. Tens of thousands of Palestinians, previously seeking refuge in the central area, were then forced to  move due to escalated assaults by Israel, resulting in the deaths of over 180 people in 24 hours. The Israeli army announced the expansion of its operation in the Khan Younis area  of Gaza, which had initially provided shelter for those displaced from the north.

According to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, 41 Palestinians were killed as a result of multiple Israeli attacks near El Amal hospital in Khan Younis over two days, including displaced civilians seeking shelter. This war will never end if we dont put our hearts and minds together to find a solution. ***

(This article is written as part of an individual assignment for sustainable Development: Issues, Principles and Practices, SCSH 1201 class)