NGO Empati aims to develop empathy among students

By Mohammad Shahziq Saleem

GOMBAK, 25 October 2023: Non-governmental organisation (NGO), Empati conducted a mental health workshop œSekolah Empati IIUM in light of the Mental Health Week 2023 organised by the Secretariat of Psychology (PSYCTA) of AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (AHAS KIRKHS), at HS Square, IIUM on Saturday (21 October).

In an interview with IIUMToday, Empati’s president, Syahida Zulkarnain, aimed to raise awareness of mental health issues and develop empathy among students without judgments.

Syahida is certain that the œlepak and luah session was the main activity that helped participants learn the most about empathy, where participants sat in groups to discuss their struggles.

If there are any further action plans, she mentioned that the NGO is running for œSiri Jelaja Empati, where they will go to various universities to give talks and conduct more workshops.

œWe also would like to widen our influence by trying to form an Empati club in the IIUM, she added.

She advised those who are struggling with mental health issues to seek help and not suffer in silence.

œYour struggle should not be suffered in silence, we are here with you, said Syahida.***