IIUMSU Election 2023: Harith Ierfan envisions the best for IIUM Pagoh

By Maisarah MOHD

GOMBAK, 20 May 2023: The candidate running for the seat of Office of Welfare in the International Islamic University Malaysia Student Union (IIUMSU) 2023 election, Mohammad Harith Ierfan Bin Rahmat, in an interview with IIUMToday hoped to provide the best facilities from every dimension to IIUM Pagoh residents and staff.

Harith promised to œwalk the talk and execute his responsibility properly in order to gain the IIUM communitys trust as he believes that œtalk is cheap.

The candidate, who is a student of the Kulliyyah of Languages and Management (KLM), plans to do more collaborative work with various parties in order to solve students issues.

Despite IIUM Pagoh being new, Harith admits there is still room for improvement which can be made for the community.

He started off as a staff member of the residential department of the Office of Welfare then he was promoted to Chief staff. Harith learnt on handling the students welfare issues both inside and outside of the mahallah.

“We have already set up an execution plan for our initiatives and projects that focus on Pagoh students welfare, mental health issues, volunteerism and development of Islamic values, he said.

On students welfare issues, Harith said, œWe focus on aiding unfortunate students (B40 category) in our Mahallah, by distributing food to students who need it.

He plans to establish more volunteering partnerships with the Mahallah Representative Committee (MRC) of Mahallah Zaid bin Harithah and the Kulliyyah of Languages and Management Students Society (KLMSS) to encourage volunteerism activities among IIUM students.

He added that a leader is not about how far and how high one can reach, but it is about how one can inspire others to succeed together. œYou cant get the ˜leader title, but you earn it, he said.

œThe journey might be a little bit challenging since most of us are also inexperienced but still, your (the voters’) support and feedback are invaluable for us, Harith concluded.***

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