Communication programmes fulfil the needs of the media industry

By Syiqa Suhaimy

GOMBAK, 4 January 2022: Academic Communication Programme must meet the needs of the media industry, said Professor in the Department of Communication, AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Science (AHAS IRKHS), Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Syed Arabi Idid, in his closing remarks of CORENA 2022.

Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Syed Arabi was adamant that the goal of education is to ensure that students achieve great success in addressing the needs of society at the tertiary level.

œTeaching at the tertiary level necessitates reconsidering our goal of producing good people who are sensitive to the needs of society.”

He added, œThere are also many other passengers and stakeholders that we must consider.

The Chair of Ibn Khaldun also emphasised that the Department of Communication in the university must ensure that the courses comply with the educational quality and mission of the whole institution.

He stated that it is important for the educational programme offered by the university to maintain a high quality as the senate is concerned about the structure of academic programmes.

“It goes into detail, the quality of the examination question set, class attendance, the number of grades, not too many failures and not too many A grade either,” he stated.

Prof. Dr. Syed Arabi further noted that educational programmes have been designed to assist the graduates in getting a job immediately and have a bright future.

“Students often do not realise how the courses offered will prepare them to work in the industry,” he explained.

œStudent reporters learn from their assignments, the courses offered are producing journalists who are able to write newsworthy angles, he added.

Prof. Dato Sri Dr. Syed Arabi ended his closing remarks by pointing out the importance of planning the curriculum to meet the communication courses as they are viable and relevant to the needs of both the university and the industry. ***

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