Award recipient inspired to contribute back to the community

By Rafiqi Yusoff

GOMBAK, 14 March 2022: After receiving her Outstanding Postgraduate Student Award at the fourth session of IIUMs 36th Convocation on Sunday (13 March), Naimah is now inspired to dedicate herself to contribute back to the community.

Naimah Mohamad Nasir, a master’s graduate in Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh from AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (AHAS KIRKHS), asserted that she wants to fulfil a responsibility towards the community in terms of education.

Nonetheless, she conceded that financial constraint had been a great challenge to her throughout her journey as she pursued her studies without any sponsorship.

œI had to work while studying to earn money to pay for my tuition fees which required me to manage my time well that became a real challenge whether to continue studying or to quit halfway, Naimah said.

In the interview with IIUMToday, she expressed her belief that whoever follows a path in pursuit of knowledge, Allah will facilitate for him or her a path to Paradise.

œIf Allah facilitates ones path to Paradise, then He will also facilitate ones affairs in this world. Therefore, never feel hopeless in studying and the important thing is to do our utmost to finish our studies, Naimah expressed.

Naimah advised students to not merely study for themselves, but at the same time, they need to help others as she personally surmised that œone of the best ways to make us understand the lesson better is by sharing our knowledge with others.

On immediate plan after graduation, Naimah shared that she is currently pursuing her studies at the doctorate level, at the same time, she intends to further develop her skills at self-development and those that are related to her field of study.***

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