By Wala’ Muiz
GOMBAK, 19 December 2021: The Deanery of AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (AHAS KIRKHS) has decided to allow the postponement of all class activities on Monday and Tuesday (20 and 21 December), it was announced today.
The postponement is to facilitate the need of academics, staffs and students who have been affected by the recent floods in various places in the country.
Taking into account that there might be situations where academics, staff and students are affected by the flood which causes an electrical shortage, lack of mobility to participate in online classes and no internet connection, students are given the convenience of taking days off to settle what needs to be done.
According to the Malaysian Meteorological Department, it has been forecasted that rain will continue for two days onwards but would only have about 10 percent to 20 percent coverage.
The current water level in Selangor is still at risk of increasing and people are forced to evacuate and leave their belongings, if possible, to accelerate the moving process. ***