Compulsory skills graduates should possess

By Fachri Mirza

GOMBAK, 5 April 2019 – A talk on Fly High on the topic “Resume and tips for attending interview” shared on what graduates must have to get hired.

The third day of a talk series saw Syairoz Mohd Othman, an IIUM of alumni currently working at Berjaya Corporation, sharing his working experiences at Berjaya and other companies.

His advice for fresh graduates is that “working requires dedication and commitment”.

“To get hired by the company, fresh graduates must equip themselves with CAR or Communication, Attitude and Resourceful.”


Having good communication skills means to be able to present information and ideas accurately and concisely. Fresh graduates should equip themselves with this skill as it also a key to working everywhere in the world. Speaking is harder than doing a speech because it requires good language and to be impromptu.


Attitude is another imperative skill that a fresher must have. Team work, respect, enthusiasm, commitment, helpful, and dependable are important. These characteristics will tell others of our quality at workplace. While selfish, egoistic, and individualistic will only ruin your quality regardless of how good your CGPA is. Another thing you must avoid is feeling superiority complex towards others, as it will only produce negative perception and bring yourself down. You can learn positive attitudes by joining campus activities such as being in the committee, become volunteers and so on. This experience would teach you how to socialise and build good attitude.


Being resourceful is easy in the era of internet where you can simply google and find out. However, critical, creative, responsiveness are added value needed for your job. It is also important to understand trivial tasks such as photocopying, handling projector and fixing computer cable, or making coffee at work. By understanding these trivial tasks, it will be helpful at work and the more helpful attitude an employee possesses, the more people would want to be around them.

In a nutshell, a good CGPA alone cannot guarantee you to be hired. But candidates with good communication skills, having the right attitude, resourceful plus having good qualification will outshine their peers.

Organised by the IIUM Counselling and Career Services Centre, the event took place at Main Auditorium in campus here on Wednesday (3 April). ***

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