IIUM co-hosts International robotics minesweeper competition

By Fachri Mirza

GOMBAK, 28 October 2017: IIUM became the hosting partner of an international robotics minesweeper event following a competition held in campus on 26 to 27 October recently.

Robotics minesweeper competition is an international competition which started in 2012 aimed for civilians to locate and remove abandoned landmines without posing any threats to human beings or the environment.

Organised by Hadats company, this was the first time for the competition to be held in Malaysia. Previously it was conducted in Egypt and next year it is scheduled to be held in Spain.

There were 12 teams from five different countries which participated in the minesweeper challenge – Egypt, Bangladesh, Tunisia, Chile, Malaysia.

Each participating team was required to construct a tele-operated/autonomous unmanned ground/aerial vehicle that should be able to search and scan for underground anti-personnel mines and aboveground unexploded ordnances.

Project coordinator, Mahmuud stated, œWe are very happy to have IIUM as our hosting partner; they are very good at welcoming, very hospitable, and they have good culture.

At the competition, Egypt achieved the first runner-up, Bangladesh was second runner-up, while IIUM came up with Best Design award. ***

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