œBaba – A Devised Play delves into father-child relationship

By Azra Farzana Shuib

KUALA LUMPUR, 9 October 2017: Galeri Petronas hosted an emotionally moving play yesterday (8 October) titled ˜Baba that uncovered some unspoken aspects about father figures. The play was staged in conjunction with the 2016 Emotive Programme in Akademi Seni Budaya dan Warisan (ASWARA).

The whole idea was inspired by personal experiences of the actors who faced complicated and shifting relationships with their own fathers. Some scenes were fictitious and dramatised, but the essence of the story remained – to show that some fathers are quiet, and for them to express their feelings is very uncommon. But as the saying goes, œless talk, more action, fathers are exemplary figures we should look up to, as they would always consider their children first.

The play showcased peculiar scenes that triggered audiences memories and feelings, from a father playing cheerfully with his child, to a fierce father forcing his child to recite the Quran, as well as the same father, hiding his sadness and worry when his child was struck by an accident. Towards the end, although the already grown-up child had a hard and inexpressive relationship with the father, he took the first step to say œI love you to his dad.

It just shows that sometimes children should approach their dad first.

Of particular interest was the sharing moment between the actors and the audience. Some members of the audience shared their own stories of how they relate to the play. One woman shared her experience of being a single mother of nine children, and her ex-husband, a drug addict. Her story moved the entire audience to a silence as she admitted that now she also has to become their father.

Seemingly, most of the audiences were happy with the theatrical experience.

The next show in Galeri Petronas is scheduled around two weeks’ time. For any updates, interested visitors can visit Galeri Petronas Facebook page. ***

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