‘Indonesian night’ to feature richness of its culture  

By Fachri Mirza

GOMBAK, 28 September 2017: The most awaited event, the Indonesian cultural night, will be staged this Friday (29 September) with the theme œPesona Indonesia: The Worlds Paradise bringing the richness of Indonesian cultural diversity, Indonesian typical food, and a cultural dance exhibition.

Featuring all top performances, including Indonesian martial arts, the splendid music performance, the angklung performance, traditional dance performances, and much more.

One of this year’s most significant and interesting event, the committee has prepared a lot of stunning cultural costumes brought from Indonesia to be presented to the audience.

The event’s programme manager, Saddam Harahap, said,We have done much preparation for this coming Friday in order to achieve our main goal of showing and promoting our culture to international students, and we are pleased to have you on this Friday.

The event starts at 7.45 p.m and will be held at Experimental Hall where the first 100 early comers will get to taste the Indonesian food for free.

Among the invited guests of the cultural show were Embassy people, deputy rectors, lecturers, and international students. ***

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