Don’t skip your breakfast

By Shajeetha Perveen

Breakfast is something labelled as the most important meal of the day. The NHS Choices website insists that one should eat it whether you like it or not, it leaves you with no choice.

The literal meaning behind the word “breakfast,” means to break the fast between dinner and the meal eaten after a person wakes up the next morning. Researchers at a New York City hospital a few years ago conducted a test of the widely accepted notion that skipping breakfast can make you fat. It’s a known fact that not having breakfast does affect one’s body weight which would later on lead to different health issues.

And ideal and healthy breakfast provides 25% energy and nutrients required by the body. In an interview dietician Dr. Sunita Dube mentioned that having a hearty breakfast helps control excess hunger throughout the day. “Since we technically fast overnight while sleeping, forgoing breakfast adds to this fasting period and may disrupt blood sugar balance and insulin output.

Skipping breakfast also triggers bad eating habits during the day, as cravings ensue and quick-fix fast foods are often eaten. Having breakfast boosts metabolism and increases your energy levels throughout the day. When you miss it, your energy is reduced and physical activity levels decline,” reckons Dr. Dube.

Citing recent findings from MyBreakfast Study, a survey on breakfast habits involving 8,705 students, it found breakfast skipping was especially prevalent among the indigenous community in Sabah and Sarawak. One in four Malaysian children skips the most important meal of the day – breakfast – at least three times a week, a Nestle-backed study has found.

The main benefit of having breakfast is that it is a form of energy booster for one to start their day. After a long night of not eating, this first meal would definitely boost your energy. There are a few things that could be taken in your breakfast in order to boost your energy such as eggs that provides vitamin D, which is important for absorbing calcium for stronger bones.

Next would be whole grain. Whatever form of whole grain that comes from bread, cereal or oatmeal gives you a great source of fibre, which is essential for a healthy heart and digestive tract, and can help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

What should be avoided in your breakfast are processed, deep fried or oily food, preserved meat, left over or junk food, cakes, pastries, and only juices are definitely a no-no.

So, in order to have a healthy mind and body, have a nutritious breakfast. ***

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