By, Safiera Athirah GOMBAK, 22 November 2024: “If we get what we want, it is Allah’s direction. If we don’t, it is Allah’s protection,” said…
View More From Mechanical Engineering to Physics: How Kulliyyah of Science Best Student found his CallingCategory: Inspire
interview with azizulhasni
‘Allah’s plan is the best,’ says KOE graduate Nadhratul Naim, as she recovers from injuries
by, Shaheerah Dzaki GOMBAK, 22 November 2024: “Sometimes, the plan you have in mind does not work out but Allah’s plan is the best plan,”…
View More ‘Allah’s plan is the best,’ says KOE graduate Nadhratul Naim, as she recovers from injuriesDentistry graduate, Nur Aqilah, accorded with Best Student Award at 40th IIUM Convocation and cash award from Yayasan Pahang
By, Adlina Kamal GOMBAK, 21 November 2024: Nur Aqilah binti Mohd Aris, a dedicated dentistry student, was accorded with the Best Student Award (Academic) in…
View More Dentistry graduate, Nur Aqilah, accorded with Best Student Award at 40th IIUM Convocation and cash award from Yayasan PahangAIKOL Best Student, Ahmad Harith movingly says faith, hope and gratitude are his sources of strength, at 40th IIUM Convocation
By, Nurul Farahwaheeda GOMBAK, 19 November 2024: The 40th IIUM Convocation Ceremony on 17 November at IIUM Gombak, was made very special by the valedictorian…
View More AIKOL Best Student, Ahmad Harith movingly says faith, hope and gratitude are his sources of strength, at 40th IIUM Convocation‘Honesty is the Best Policy,’ says valedictorian Nurul Najwa at 40th IIUM Convocation
By, Amni Azizan GOMBAK, 18 November 2024: Before the end of the second session of the 40th IIUM Convocation Ceremony at IIUM Gombak, on 17…
View More ‘Honesty is the Best Policy,’ says valedictorian Nurul Najwa at 40th IIUM ConvocationValedictorian of 40th IIUM Convocation, Dr. Ainul Ashiqin shares heart-warming journey
By, Nurin Ahmad GOMBAK, 17 November 2024: “They say that a PhD is not complete without a few tears,” said Dr. Ainul Ashiqin Ahmad Shuhaimi,…
View More Valedictorian of 40th IIUM Convocation, Dr. Ainul Ashiqin shares heart-warming journeyCOMETIC 2024: Tan Sri Johan Jaaffar delivers first keynote speech on media integrity
By, Shaheerah Dzaki KUALA LUMPUR, 16 October 2024: The Communication and Media Centre International Conference (COMETIC 2024) kicked off with an insightful keynote speech from…
View More COMETIC 2024: Tan Sri Johan Jaaffar delivers first keynote speech on media integrityWays to Know Truth and Falsehood
By, Spahic Omer The main task for everyone in life is to differentiate between truth and falsehood, and ultimately choose truth while avoiding falsehood. This…
View More Ways to Know Truth and FalsehoodInter-religious dialogue: A Call to preserve nature
By, Shafiy Nordin and Shaheerah Dzaki GOMBAK, 4 September 2024: “We have to change our value system. The younger generation today tends to neglect the…
View More Inter-religious dialogue: A Call to preserve natureAl-Ghazali’s Intellectual Legacy: Balancing Philosophy, Faith, and Human Nature
By, Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak and Raudlotul Firdaus Fatah Yasin Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali, a celebrated figure during the Islamic Golden Age, is…
View More Al-Ghazali’s Intellectual Legacy: Balancing Philosophy, Faith, and Human Nature