Coming late for lectures shouldn’t be a habit

By Amirul Hafiz 

“Come on guys, we need to hurry up, we are already late!” These words are often heard when people are late for their class, for an event, or for an appointment. Show up on time is a must for everybody in all situations. We must try to do our best. To show up is important but to make it on time is more important. If everybody shows up on time, the schedule for a particular event or programme will be able to run smoothly.

Punctuality is related to self-discipline. As Muslims, we need to perform five times daily prayers on time regardless where we are. There are people who perform their prayers without complaining but they lack manners and do not really respect the commandment from Allah by intentionally performing their prayers very late. Why is it when the time comes for us to meet our girlfriend or boyfriend, we can be so punctual? In fact, our relationship is destined by Allah. We have to change our attitude in front of our God.

Life in campus is not easy. With packed daily schedule, everybody is busy with studies and assignments. For most classes, there are always late comers. Same reasons and repeated excuses are given to the lecturers for us to be allowed to enter their lectures. This is a serious problem. As students, we must be punctual all the time. This would simply reflect our attitude whether we really want to study that subject or we just cannot be serious in our studies.

The lecturer may or may not punish or may not be concerned towards the student who is late, but as a student we should always keep in our mind that it is our duty and responsibility to come to class on time. Remember, punctuality is an important aspect of self-discipline.

Photo courtesy of The Guardian

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