KJ Cup 2014 Netball Updates

The KJ CUP 2014 for Netball which was supposed to be held on 3rd April ran smoothly last night.

In last nights matches, IRKHS won over CITRA with a 6-2 score, the ECONS team slammed the KICT team with a 9 “ 1 score, and INSTED lost to team AIKOL 1-7.

The games, which were supposed to begin earlier, started only at 8.40pm due to technical issues. The registration ran smoothly and every team sent enough members for each game.

Br. Ahmad Izzudin Yunus said that students have shown their appreciation towards the games by giving full commitment from every aspect. He has received positive feedback from everyone involved in this game.

According to Br Ahmad, although some unwanted events have occurred, it did not discourage them to continue with the match.

Br Ahmad was referring to the incident that happened last Friday, where a netball player from INSTED was warded to HKL due to leg injury.



The rainy weather for the past few days did not dampen the spirit of the sportsmen who performed their best despite the rain. The winner of each game will receive RM2000.

An IRKHS netball player, sister Zatil Iman is eager to win the game as for her, it is a big event in IIUM. In addition, she liked that she was able to to get closer with her team during the trainings for the match.

Sister Zatil wishes to widen her talent and interest in sports, particularly netball, through the KJ Cup.

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