Career Awareness

By Nurul Hanifah Muchtar

Thinking of a career? This does not come in early to many students. Those in the first year and second year would probably think that they still have a long way to go before thinking about having a career compared to those in the final year.

This should not be the case. Thinking about career should start early. Students should plan far ahead. Besides that, students must know that work today is very competitive. Employers have been very selective in hiring graduates. Moreover, there are thousands of undergraduates holding similar qualification. You need to be one step ahead of them.

One way is to actively join co-curriculum activities. Start by being an active student and be involved in events conducted by your university. You may start from your kulliyyah or department anyway, by joining students’ associations. Afterward, you will get used to being involved in activities and you’ll be eager to be the one active in organising them. The advantage is that you’ll not only gain experience but will also have a wide range network of friends, important persons within and outside university. This will certainly be a plus point when applying for jobs later on.

You may have not been thinking about this because you are too busy with your academic work but consider this. Today, the employment opportunities are very much different compared to those a few years ago. If you begin to wonder about this, do not worry. You may start it now. Better late than never, isn’t it? Okay. Be active and be involved in student activities.

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