Visit by Universitas Islam Kalimantan

Visitors from Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjary (UNISKA), Indonesia expressed their hope to learn more about media education and industry in Malaysia. Five lecturers and 17 postgraduates, including the rector, Dr. Mustatul Anwar, expressed this hope when they visited the International Islamic University Malaysia, Friday.

“Our visit is to understand and learn about mass media education and industry in Malaysia , the challenges faced by practitioners and the implementation of technology here,” Dr. Mustatul Anwar told IIUM.Today.


Despite the short visit, the visitors had a good impression of the campus. “I love the campus. its sandcastle-like buildings are really inspiring,” said Rany Budearte, who was fascinated with the architecture of the university.


Lecturers from the Department of Communication and the Dean of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, Professor Ibrahim Mohamed Zain, held a short discussion on the subject of Mass Media in Malaysia & Indonesia with the visitors.

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