By, Nur Athirah Alya binti Nazri
Gombak, 10 December 2024: In an effort to empower young Muslim women with relevant and practical religious guidance, Mahallah Sumayyah, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), in collaboration with Sekolah Menengah Setiabudi, launched a special series of programs focusing on fiqh and women’s issues, Six Special Fiqhul Mar’ah Slots at IIUM Gombak. This program aims to educate young Muslim women about fiqh related to Islamic laws specifically for women, aligning with the contemporary challenges they face.
The program series ran from 9 August to 25 October 2024 and comprised six engaging sessions. The first three slots were conducted by murabbi (mentors) who were IIUM lecturers, while the last three sessions were led by IIUM students from various kulliyyahs, offering a youthful perspective closer to the lives of teenagers.
The first session, titled, “Fiqh Sunan Fitrah,” was delivered by Dr. Sofiah Samsudin, focusing on personal hygiene according to Islamic teachings. Following this, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raudlotul Firdaus Fatah Yasin discussed the topic, “Haid, Nifas, and Istihadhah,” providing essential insights into the rules of purification for women. The third session, conducted by Prof. Dr. Nurul Fadzlin Hasbullah, emphasized the importance of modesty and boundaries in cross-gender interactions in a session titled, “Hubungan Silang Jantina dan Sifat Malu.”
The subsequent sessions highlighted contemporary challenges faced by young women, from the perspective of IIUM students. In the “Fiqh Aurat dan pakaian menurut Syariah” session, Auni Farhatain Mohd Zamri discussed Islamic guidelines on modest attire. Nurul Aufa Muhammad Khairi delivered a session on “Fiqh Solat Wanita, Kesalahan dan Keutamaan dalam Solat,” focusing on common mistakes and conditions of the validity in performing prayers for women. The program concluded with a session by Putri Emylia Abdullah titled, “Kesejahteraan Emosi dalam Era Remaja: Panduan Mengatasi Cabaran Mental,” which addressed emotional well-being states and strategies for overcoming mental challenges.
An interactive session took place where the speaker shared practical fiqh guidance with the students of Sekolah Menengah Setiabudi.
According to program manager, Nur Athirah Alya, the program not only provided knowledge but also instilled confidence and the ability for female students to apply Islamic values in their daily lives. “Fiqhul Mar’ah is an important initiative to ensure that young women understand their roles in society comprehensively, grounded in religious teachings,” she said.
The collaboration between Mahallah Sumayyah and Sekolah Menengah Setiabudi is a significant step in shaping a confident generation of young Muslim women who hold steadfastly to Islamic principles amid contemporary challenges. Fiqhul Mar’ah stands as a testament to the commitment in implementing practical, comprehensive, and relevant Islamic education for today’s students.***
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