ECONS FESTIVAL 2024: Musleh Melody, not a mere Nasheed Competition but a Means of ‘Da’wah’

By, Iiyliya Qaisara

GOMBAK, 23 October 2024: Musleh Melody, nasheed competition, was a big event evident by the appearance of several performers, including four groups and a solo singer, today, on a day of the ECONS FESTIVAL 2024. The event was held at the Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences (KENMS), IIUM.

The opening ceremony commenced with the arrival of VIPs, some representatives of KENMS, that included an academic from the Department of Economics, KENMS, Dr. Sharifah Nabilah Syed Salleh. She delivered a meaningful speech, welcoming all audiences and participants to Musleh Melody. Apart from that, the arrival of three judges for the competition, renowned for their accomplishments in nasheed performance had already hyped up the Experimental Hall with joy and cheers. All three of them were from the IIUM Simfoni Arkana Club (ISAC).

The competition started with the first solo performer who is known as Dragon, who sang a song of his choice which was, ‘Istikharah Cinta’. Observing the audience, everyone enjoyed his performance. This was followed by the second group, Sofwa, that was part of Citra CFS IIUM club back when it was studying in CFS. The other performers were Fauna, afterwards the 7 Chords comprising of a duo of performers and finally, the last group, called Khaleefa. All of the peformers were magnificent; overtly displaying their hidden talents and abilities.

This continued with the voting session in which all audiences were encouraged to vote for a competent group to be the winner of the competition. As the audiences were busy voting, the emcee then asked all judges whether they had any comments, observations or opinions to share with the performers and one of them advised on the correct techniques when singing for a clearer and thorough rendition.

Subsequently, the President of ISAC, Br. Muhammad Amirul Firdaus Nawi was invited to deliver his speech. He highlighted that the Nasheed competition was not only a contest but a means to deliver messages from lyrics imbued with moral values. He also emphasized that people tend to express their feelings through singing and the singer can affect the audience’s soul when he or she sings wholeheartedly.

The ceremony then ended with prize-giving to all participants in which the first place winner earning RM200 went to Sofwa, the second place went to 7 Chords that received RM150, the third place went to Khaleefa thus earning them RM100, the fourth place went to Fauna and the fifth place went to Dragon in which both groups received RM60. A few tokens of appreciation were given to all VIPs and judges followed by a photography session, before everyone dispersed.***