SOCA students benefit from experiential learning at IIUM’s medical centre

On 11 May 2024, 35 undergraduate students from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, AHAS KIRKHS visited Sultan Ahmad Shah Medical Center (SASMEC@IIUM), the first Shariah-compliant teaching hospital for their SOCA 4392: Medical Anthropology Synergised Academic Activity (SAA). SAA is the Kulliyyah’s initiative to enhance students and academics’ performance through partnerships with various communities including learned, learning, professional and public communities. This is achieved through various forms of engagement activities, not limited to community services or industrial attachment only.

In relation to this, a social engagement session through fieldwork at the assigned wards of SASMEC@IIUM was held during the visit. With its main objective to explore patients’ understanding of the shariah-complaint hospital (SCH) environment, the fieldwork via “Santuni Pesakit” session had greatly enhanced students’ experiential learning – a learning process by doing, where students are able to apply medical anthropological theories learn in the classroom to the real-world medical setting.

This visit programme commenced by the welcoming speech from Head of Education and Research Department, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Marzuki Omar. This got everyone excited for the programme and felt welcomed at SASMEC@IIUM. A briefing session on Spiritual Care by the Head of Shariah Compliance Department, Prof. Dr. Aminudin Che Ahmad, was held after the welcoming speech. Among the important points highlighted in the session were the concept of shariah-complaint hospital and environment, historical development and the Prophetic Art of Listening through S.O.L.A.R. Right after the briefing session, students were brought to the assigned ward for the social engagement through fieldwork session. A debriefing session took place after visiting the wards. Through the debriefing, students could reflect on the session, especially from what were observed in the wards.

The manifestation of the shariah-compliant hospital concept could be observed in terms of the architectural designs and healthcare delivery. The hospital building is designed with aesthetic appeal of Islamic geometrical patterns and arches, giving the ambient of Islamic identity. Additionally, the planning structure of the building oriented towards Qiblat serves the functional aspect of Ibadah-friendly hospital. On the contrary, in order to observe proper etiquette, the design of every toilet has been oriented not to face the Qiblat and the toilet door for the left foot to enter first that are some added values to a ‘patient-centered’ environment.

The social engagement session of this fieldwork could be reflected in the “Santuni Pesakit” session that took place at the internal medicine, obstetrics and gynaecology, gynaecology, general surgery, and orthopedic wards. Students were divided into several groups and assigned to the respective wards for their class assignment. One of the uniqueness of healthcare delivery aspects observed during the visit to the assigned wards was spiritual care.

At SASMEC@IIUM, the healthcare delivery is holistic, attending not only to patients’ physical care but also to their religious-spiritual needs as well. In relation to this, Prophetic Art of Listening approach is employed through S.O.L.A.R. technique. Upon attending to patients’ needs, healthcare providers, family members and visitors are encouraged to apply S.O.L.A.R. technique. The technique refers to Sit squarely – indirectly sends the message that “I am here with you”; adopt an Open stance – open to what patients have to say about their health condition; Lean forward – showing interest with their complaints; Avoidable eye – look away for 3 seconds to maintain good eye contact with patients and Relax – a sign of displaying comfort with patients’ conditions.

Overall, this fieldwork had achieved its objectives. As the course instructor, I personally believe that by engaging students this hands-on and reflection will add more values to them personally and academically. I would like to express my appreciation to SASMEC@IIUM, especially the Department of Education and Research (DEAR) and Department of Shariah Compliance for the learning opportunity and warm welcome throughout the visit.***

A group photo of students before departing to IIUM Kuantan.

At IIUM Kuantan’s Auditorium with SASMEC@IIUM Staff.

Token of Appreciation giving ceremony. From left: Br Khairunnaim (Programme Manager), Assoc. Prof. Ahmad Marzuki bin Omar (Head, Department of Education and Research, SASMEC@IIUM and Prof. Dr. Aminuddin Che Ahmad (Head, Department of Shariah Compliance).

In front of the Gynaecology ward. From left: Sr. Mashitah, Sr. Nur Izzatul Najwa, Dr. Szariannie Sulaiman, Sr. Nur Aisyah and Sr. Athirah.

(The writer is Dr. Szariannie Sulaiman, an academic with the Department of Sociology and Anthroplogy, AHAS KIRKHS, IIUM.)