IIUM x CIMB: Campus Take Over appears again in 2024!

By Irdina Zainudin

Gombak 4 May 2024: On 3 May 2024 (Friday), the Commerce International Merchant Bankers Berhad (CIMB) collaborated with the Counselling and Career Services Centre (CCSC) in another event called, Campus Take Over (CTO), which was attended by final year students in Lecture Theatre A, at Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL).

According to the Assistant Manager of the Regional Human Resources Talent Acquisition, Norfarah ˜Ain binti Mat Ibrahim, the CIMB CTO event started last year in 2023, aimed – to focus on the activities, critical thinking, creativity, knowledge, and all the checkpoints asking about collaboration ─ which emphasised on the whole idea of being EPICC. Norfarah continued how EPICC (Enabling Talent, Passion, Integrity and Accountability, Collaboration, and Customer Centricity) is the signature and value of CIMB.

During the talk by a CIMB staff about one of the graduate programs.

She further stated that for each program, there will be improvements as each CTO program will be adapted to the university. Moreover, Norfarah also stated that the programs other objective, œhas always been the same, we want to identify the good talents, so we know that certain talents can be part of CIMB, and we can meet them in person as compared to just compare them by looking through their resumes. The program also includes activities that help to incorporate EPICC, as stated by the assistant manager.

One of the teams completed one of the activities during the scavenger hunt.
Team Bunga, the winning team of the scavenger hunt, with the first-place prize, the CIMB mascot doll.

Norfarah said, œThe programme will always focus on our graduate programs. The aforementioned graduate programs are CIMBs Professional Training and Education for Growing Entrepreneurs (Protégé) program and The Complete Banker (TCB) program, which focuses on fresh graduates.

œOn average, it does have a small increase because, at the end of the day, internship is one thing, but we have other programs we want to focus on, Norfarah said about the increase of internship applications following the CTO, as she again emphasized on the TCB program. œWe have two to three programs we are focusing on, so every year on average, there is an increase for each of the programs depending on which university we go to.

Norfarah continued to explain the Protégé and TCB programs, œIf you want to boost your resume, and instead of doing an internship, you can do the Protégé program because it runs for eight months, but it is contractual, which differs from TCB. TCB is a full-fledged structured program, that has regional rotation, there is mentorship and also a lot of exposure in terms of understanding the bank as a whole and the fast-track career growth. Because there is the guarantee that after you participate in TCB, which we call VIP access, you have all these perks and then after that, you straight away fast-track to your position instead of applying for direct hiring.

She also says that CIMB does not restrict from which background one comes from, because it is up to the intern or employee under the Protégé and TCB programs on whatever they want to learn and what they can bring to the table, and to convince the recruiters to hire them for their intended position.

œWhat makes CIMB a good choice for internship, Norfarah answers when asked, œis that number one, is the quality or the kind of task that will be given to our interns. Even though they come in as an intern, we do not treat them as a short-term [worker] and can give them simple, menial, medium or clerical work. They will be tasked with a real job because they might be our next future talent and will join us back once become fresh graduates.

œNumber two, the environment can help them grow because, at the end of the day, the kind of good quality relationship and networking that they have will be able to help talents to grow individually and personally, she continued.

The participants and the CIMB team, as well as representatives from CCSC at the end of the program.

During the numerous talks given by the invited speakers from CIMB, there is also an explanation regarding the scholarship, which is offered by CIMB, which also has numerous benefits for the scholarship holders. Students who are interested in the scholarship can apply through CIMB ASEAN Scholarship 2024. The application will open from 17 May 2024 until 5 June 2024.

For further information and to get further updates regarding CIMB: Campus Take Over, which will also be conducted in another five universities, everyone can check the Instagram account @forwardyourcareer.

Norfarah also stated that all the internships will be done only in the CIMB headquarters.***