By Fasihah Zulkifli
GOMBAK, 4 June 2023: Congress IIUM held a peaceful demonstration by providing recommendations on future IIUMSU elections and by demanding for 10 students rights to be met by the IIUM Student Union. The demonstration was held on 1 June 2023 at 1 pm and moved from Edu Café to the Human Sciences (HS) Dry Area.
Dressed in white and red, the students marched from Edu Café to HS Dry Area and called out 10 demands that they would like to see achieve with regards to:
1. autonomy,
2. almanac and KPI,
3. centralised student welfare,
4. holistic student welfare,
5. harmonisation,
6. National Student Union,
7. effective communication,
8. check and balance,
9. financial stability, and
10. unionism.
The IIUMSU Election Campaign Director, Aisyah Farhana binti Mohd Fisal said, œThe strike is part of the advocacy plan to urge the Student Union to be accountable for the betterment of students rights in future.
She also hoped that there will be more eligible candidates contesting for positions in future elections since there was no voting in this years election due to the lack of contenders. She also called for more student participation in the Election Commission.
Students calling out their demands at Student Mall Students marching to riverside Students protest at Student Mall The student who led the strike.
Upon sharing his thoughts to IIUMToday, one of the participants of the protest, Adham Kafilan bin Ahmad Kamil said, œIt is a good effort of Congress IIUM as the students can use the body to channel their rights and demands to the IIUMSU leader.
œThis strike can increase awareness among students and shed light on the changes needed in the IIUM to be carried out by the Student Union, said another participant who wanted to be known as Nor Erina.
The strike is one of the initiatives by Congress IIUM to increase political participation among students so as to ensure student leaders fulfil their responsibilities during their tenure.
œMy hope is what others hope as well, we want our voices to be heard especially through this effort because the demands requested are in line with what we need as students, said participant Ahmad Imran Mukhriz bin Badrul Hisyam.
Congress IIUM calls itself “a concerned and responsible students’ front” by enhancing the principles of good governance and interest of the union, on its public statement entitled ’10 Demands for the Union’.***