IIUMSU Election 2023: Ali Karimi’s vision for student welfare

By Revda Selver

GOMBAK, 29 May 2023: Second year, IIUM Islamic Finance student, Ali Karimi Nasri, the newly appointed candidate for the Welfare seat in the IIUM Student Union Election 2023 (IIUMSU), is dedicated to address the needs of students from disadvantaged backgrounds and to promote comprehensive well-being on campus.

In an interview with IIUMToday, Ali Karimi conveyed his intention to establish an inclusive union that prioritizes the holistic welfare of its members and promotes the values of “rahmatan lil alamin” so as to create an environment that fosters comprehensive well-being for all.

“Good leaders are those who can carry and fulfil the amanah to lead the way and prioritize the needs of others, not his own needs,” he expressed.

One of Karimi’s primary areas of focus will be the development of initiatives to support B40 students and those facing financial hardships by enhancing existing support systems, such as food banks and financial assistance programmes.

“All initiatives will undergo evaluation to ensure practicality, sustainability, and efficiency,” he underlined.

Karimi is dedicated to coordinating assistance and facilities for students with disabilities (SWDs) by establishing a careline and volunteer system that will provide assistance.

“We need to understand that different disabilities require tailored support,” he highlighted.

He also mentioned his support for the existing initiatives of creating awareness of the plight of SWDs through the ‘IIUM Disability Grand Awareness Campaigns’ and will strive for their continued success.

“I believe that raising awareness about disability rights and fostering a more inclusive environment within the IIUM are crucial steps towards promoting equality and ensuring that all students can actively participate in campus life without facing barriers or discrimination,” he shared.

Karimi also emphasized the importance of prioritizing mental health assistance and delivering efficient solutions by collaborating with the Counselling & Career Services Unit (CCSU) to provide students in need support and guidance.

To further enhance mental health awareness, he will expand initiatives that educate IIUM students on the importance of mental health care. “I intend to improve the 24-hour careline by providing training to volunteers who can direct students to the right channels,” Karimi said.

Karimi conveyed his belief that individuals from diverse backgrounds can work together as long as they shared the common goal of steering the union into a positive direction. “United we stand, divided we fall,” he concluded.***

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