Communication Festival 2023: An Exciting Showcase of Communication Works

By Nuqman Adam

GOMBAK, 14 March 2023: In light of the beginning of a new semester, the Communication Students’ Association (COSA) alongside final year practical training students are planning an upcoming communication event entitled, Communication Festival 2023.

The event will take place at the Human Sciences Square with the targeted participants to be Communication and other AHAS KIRKHS students.

œAs communication students, we need to have a sense of belonging and we need to let the public know the nature of being a Communication student, said the assistant programme manager, Farradiba Hasni. 

The theme for the festival will be a formal business setting where Communication students showcase their assignments to the public. In physical form, there will be an opportunity given to visitors to cast their vote for their favourite exhibition. 

Moreover, various media companies such as Bernama and Karangkraf will also be invited to enliven the festival.

Communication society exhibitions consisting of IIUMToday, IIUM FM, IIUM TV, and IPRMSA likewise will open their booths to further promote their society to all AHAS IRKHS students.

œThe theme and environment will be something like a science fair where students can visit various booths and engage with activities, mentioned the head of COSA, Sarah Kamilia.

œIt is a big event, especially for the final year students, but by working together, we can make this festival extravagant, vibrant and memorable for everyone around,” added the programme manager, Nuqman Adam.

Both Farradiba and Nuqman have agreed to do their best in bringing life to Communication Festival 2023.

œI really hope this event will be outgoing and full of colours, show them what Communication students are all about, wished Dr. Shakira Nasir, the practical training instructor during the briefing. 

The event will be from 8 May until 12 May 2023, two weeks after the Hari Raya celebration.***

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