The Changing Times Require Newer Ways of Acquiring Knowledge

By Muhammad Luqman Hakiem Nordin 

With the progression of time, how we acquire knowledge also differs in different eras. Gone are the days when a person could rely on a single source of information, like a textbook or a newspaper, to learn about the world.

However, with the advent of the internet and technology, specified topics or even general topics are on the tip of everyone’s finger. 

One of the significant changes in recent years has been the rise of online learning platforms, such as Skillshare and Moodle, which offer a large assortment of courses led by experts on various subjects.

These platforms allow people to learn at their own pace and from the comfort of their own homes, making education more accessible than ever before, allowing us to learn from the best and stay up to date with the latest developments in our fields. 

In addition to online courses, the presence of many other online resources, such as blogs, forums, and social media groups, provides valuable information on a broad scope of topics. These platforms can be great places to learn from others who have experience in a particular field and can provide valuable insights and advice.

However, it is important to be aware that not all online sources are reliable, so it is important to carefully evaluate the information that is found online before using it as a source of knowledge. 

Nevertheless, the abundance of online sources has made it easier for people to gain knowledge and stay informed. In the past, individuals have to travel around the globe just to learn about the topic they are studying, and the costs to gain this information are well over what a person working minimum wage or even a student could afford.

With the technology we have, this can be life-changing for students who want to learn a topic that they want. Just a few taps on your keyboard and your research paper finished just like that. 

Fortunately, many tools and strategies can help us navigate this landscape and gain knowledge in the most effective way possible. For example, we can use search engines to quickly find the information we need, and we can use filters and other tools to narrow our results and find the most relevant information.

With just a few clicks, people can access vast amounts of information on nearly any topic, allowing them to learn and grow in previously impossible ways. Compared to the olden days, gaining knowledge today is like a walk in the library. We are surrounded by knowledge so we have to take the opportunity benefitting from them. 

In conclusion, the changing times we live in require newer and more adaptable ways of gaining knowledge. By developing the skills and habits necessary to critically evaluate information, staying open to constantly learning and updating one’s knowledge, and participating in online communities, people can stay informed and knowledgeable in the digital age. ***

(This article is written as part of an individual assignment for Knowledge and Civilisation in Islam class)

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