Fateh Rahmat aims to improve IIUM students’ basic educational needs

By Nik Nayly

GOMBAK, 27 May 2022: When contesting for the Office of Education seat, Fateh Rahmat’s primary concern is to cater to students’ basic needs for academic classes and ensure better facilities for students to complete their course work without difficulties. 

Fateh Rahmat, a third-year student from Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL) who won the Office of Education seat uncontested hopes that by the end of his tenure, the Office of Education will be able to tackle a few main issues concerning IIUM students’ basic education needs.  

Among the basic educational needs that he aims to address are firstly, laptops. “Although not many have this problem since they bought them before entering the university, in some cases, students are required to borrow laptops from others,” he said. 

Next, he plans to improve the internet connection in the university. He told IIUMToday in an interview that “Wi-Fi is still a problem, hence I would like to continue and improve the initiative made by Asnawi from IIUM Student Union two years prior.”

Asked about the execution of his manifesto, Fateh Rahmat acknowledges that it would be long-term since his plans need sustainable finances and the student union is still building its financial strength. 

“Nonetheless, the Office of Education will work together with central offices to search for revenue and sponsorship in order to repair or replace all the assets for students’ educational use and to find a better alternative than the current Wi-Fi since internet connection problem on campus is a never-ending issue,” he said. 

Aside from students’ educational needs, Fateh Rahmat plans to establish a relationship between IIUM and hiring companies. 

“I am planning to expand the partnership between IIUM and companies for the sake of improving our students’ employment,” he mentioned. 

“Petronas as an example has been very open to our students, including our international friends. 

I would like to pitch the same idea of building a similar kind of connection with other companies with open policy including Maybank because this connection helps boost employment among students,” he added. 

Lastly, Fateh Rahmat unravels his idea of public intellectualism. Ensuring students are actively involved in discussions and debates on matters revolving around the university, is among his mission and vision. 

He believes that a good leader needs to be able to make tough decisions. 

“As Machiavelli once said, the most dangerous, dubious, and almost impossible task is being an agent of change, and I hope to see some of those qualities in the future office,” he said. 

Fateh Rahmat ended the interview session by saying to IIUMToday that “my message to my fellow friends who may know me, is to exercise part of their rights on the voting day.” ***

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