By Amirah Salhuddin
GOMBAK, 26 May 2022: The seat for Deputy President II has been secured uncontested by Amir Farhan bin Mohammad Zamri, a third year second semester student from Kulliyyah of Science.
In an exclusive interview with IIUMToday, Amir Farhan shared the outstanding record of his achievements and experiences during his diploma years in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) and current undergraduate studies as the former president of Centre for Arts and Cultural Sustainable Development (CiTRA).
The sole reason for Amir to be a part of the IIUM Student Union is to continue the legacy of the current tenure, and to pursue what the union has been fighting for, especially the Student Union Protem Committee (SUPC) to raise awareness of the student unions existence in the institution.
He highlighted his manifestos that focus specifically on the welfare of IIUM Kuantan students which include:
1. Lobby for parcel management issues to be catered
Amir aims to resolve issues involving the parcel management that currently puts the students at a disadvantage especially those who manage the hub full-time.
2. Lead issues raised by the student bodies in IIUM Kuantan
Issues like Live in During Vacation (LIDV) charge and the academic calendar have been prevalent among the students, hence Amir hopes to amplify the students voice to the appropriate authority in order to rectify the problem.
3. Improve existing platforms for students to give feedback and suggestions
Asked about the platforms, Amir stated that there are various existing platforms for feedback and suggestions. However, they are not optimally utilised to bring the students concerns to light since the data collection is not well managed.
For the execution plan, Amir has started his own initiative to discuss the parcel management issue between the current tenure of Koperasi Siswa (Kosiswa), future treasurer of IIUMSU and a student who worked as the manager at the parcel hub.
Amir believes that a good leader should be able to encourage people to strive for collective betterment aside from being wise and professional. A good leader should also be able to have a strong stance, while at the same time be willing to change the stance when it is appropriate.
œI advise my fellow IIUM friends to get to know more of the candidates who will be contesting, because this will determine the future of IIUM as a whole advised Amir to those who will be exercising their rights in the election.
IIUMSUs 2022 election will be held this Saturday (28 May). For more information regarding the election, students may refer here. ***