Discipline and consistency are the mantra in business, says Adlina

By Fazeera Fazarrah

GOMBAK, 16 May 2022: Most people think that they could build their own empire in business overnight, but little did they realise that business would take a process and journey, just as Rome was not built in a day. 

Hence, œa well planned strategy is required for business to grow and sustain in the market, a studentpreneur, Adlina Nawi told the ˜Talk In Business: Expectations vs Reality on Saturday (14 May) organised by Steadfast IIUM. 

She said that managing business takes a passion which is built in time and the responsibility of maintaining the livelihood of business rests on entrepreneurs’ shoulders, which pretty well explains the significance of consistency in this context. 

The owner of urban Korean fashion (@hunnypotcollections) and handmade resin notebook (@artbysishunny) business shared that there are plenty of expectations which people commonly perceive as they are indulging in entrepreneurship, and these are often against the reality of how the market works.

These include the availability of extra personal time, ability in handling things on our own, getting rich easily, sales overconfidence, as well as ˜follow the flow mindset. 

The risk of handling business is definitely dangerous if it is established without a proper and well strategised planning in harmony with our life “ to structure a strategy of what to do, how to develop a company, market ourselves and pave ways for growth.

Therefore, she said, these expectations must be overcome, otherwise it will turn the life of entrepreneurs upside down. 

Having said so, Adlina, who is popularly known as ˜Sis Hunny, presented three ways on managing expectations in business, that is to provide a performance report regularly that helps to keep the pace of a running organisation. 

Next, to produce a complete report that involves crystal clear information on job scope of each role in the organisation as well as the forecasting aspects and risk management.

Last but not least, to create a transparency at the individual and corporate level that offers greater accessibility and more approachable for mutual ways of communication. 

In the second slot of the programme, Adlina emphasised on the importance of creating a balance between being a student and entrepreneur. She suggested a few ways on managing business and study, which comes with the underlying base of discipline. 

Firstly, design a schedule that fits our personality and ability, supported with the implementation of our daily to-do lists. Secondly, establish priorities among items in the list by delegating task with a deep focus in each performance and avoid multitasking. 

Other than that, look up for great mentors and utilise every single opportunity to polish up skills in university through plenty of soft skills programmes organised “ which barely can be found in the working life later. 

Towards the end of the programme, Adlina stated that raising personal brand awareness is essential for every business, and this is possible to be done by being disciplined and consistent in attracting customers through various ways, especially marketing “ posting, paid reviews and soft sells of values through stories.

œWe must always recheck our mindset and big why, especially when we are at the lowest points of life in order to keep us on track. Thus, make sure to get sufficient rest so that we can recharge to continue our work, she expressed.

The programme was held from 8 p.m. until 11 p.m., moderated by SauhaTahir on both platforms of Youtube and Facebook of Steadfast IIUM. It was attended by more than 200 students from different kulliyyah.***

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