TERAJU’s role in empowering graduates for employment

By Farradiba

In line with the introduction of Bumiputera Development Action 2030 (TPB 2030) by the government, a Bumiputera development action exhibition programme “Pocket Talks Human Capital” was recently held to instil passion in young talents for the corporate sector, as well as to raise awareness of government measures aimed at assisting them.

It was organised by “Unit Peneraju Agenda Bumiputera” (TERAJU) and participated by final year students and graduates of institutions of higher learning from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) and other institutions.

Experienced panelists from Microsoft, EKUINAS, PROTEGE, Yayasan Peneraju, and Khazanah Nasional Berhad were invited to share their knowledge and experience with the students and graduates at the session.

The event was divided into two sessions, the first one was a knowledge exchange session, and the second was a chance for prospective graduates to gain access to the programmes provided by the agencies to gain exposure to industry experience and build their career.

It is estimated that in the next five years, 149 million new jobs in various technological fields will be created reflecting the demands of job market in the corporate sector.

Summayah Mustafa, an account technology strategist at Microsoft appealed to the participants to focus on the new technology skills in preparation for the workforce.

Microsoft offers several programmes aimed at bridging the gap between the high demand for cloud computing and cyber security such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and Microsoft Outlook, for which more capabilities are required in the future.

Graduates therefore should equip themselves with the skills provided by the course and enhance their skills quality to serve in the job market, she said.

Summayah identified three phases to get the students started on their learning journey: identifying skills and learning path, begin Microsoft learning, work with learning partners.

Ekuiti Nasional Berhad (EKUINAS) on the other hand, focussed its topic on a magical 360-degree set-up for graduates to face the working world. Its stakeholder director, Mr. Hizwani Hasan emphasised on tips for university students to prepare themselves for the workforce.

œDo a good job while preparing yourself for a better job, said Hizwani.

Hizwani underlined the importance for students to use their full talents after graduation by acquiring as much experience and knowledge from the people around them. “Being willing to learn is vital for the young talents to enhance their work quality for the market.”

The second session exposed the students to the platforms, programmes and initiatives that are accessible, as well as to opportunities available for graduates that are provided by the government and other agencies. Panelists from various backgrounds and agencies who participated in the event were there to promote their respective organisations and programmes.

Some of the programmes made available during the session included Fit4work, Iltizam, PROTEGE, and those offered by Khazanah Nasional Berhad, which form good starts for potential graduates to empower themselves.

These initiatives and programmes will provide graduates with a high level support as they begin their careers, as well as opportunities for training and development. Graduates will also have the opportunity to expose to professional qualifications funded by the employer, and the opportunity to rotate through various departments to gain experience on various functions.

Overall, the initiatives by TERAJU and all participating agencies served as a joint platform to empower both sides for the benefit of future generation.

TERAJU exists to support Bumiputera involvement in high-impact key industries, with a fair, equitable, and inclusive economic distribution, to create a sustainable Bumiputera development environment.

TERAJU is also in charge of promoting factors of well-being and long-term viability, such as education, health, social security, and sustainability, to create a pleasant and dynamic environment and to raise the dignity of the Bumiputeras.

No doubt, Bumiputera companies assisted by TERAJU had grown faster than their related industries. It is time to be part of them. Find out more at https://www.teraju.gov.my/ ***

(This article is written as part of feature writing exercise for Corporate Writing class)

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