3,700 officially declared as new IIUM students

By Danial Yusof

GOMBAK, 10 October 2020: The Baiah ceremony marks the end of Taaruf Week for Semester 1, 2020/2021 session for 3,700 new intake students who successfully registered at International Islamic University Malaysia, comprising students from Gombak, Kuantan and Pagoh campuses.

The ceremony took place at IIUM Cultural Centre (ICC) here and watched by new students via online streamed through IIUM Official YouTube channel, and attended by IIUM Rector, Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dato Dzulkifli Abdul Razak.

The Rector was accompanied by Deputy Rector (Academic and Industrial Linkages), Prof. Dr. Ahmad Faris Ismail, Chief Information Officer, Prof. Dato Dr. Norbik Bashah Idris, IIUM Legal Advisor, Raja Badrol Hisham Raja Mohd Ali, the deans of various kulliyyah, as well as staff and new students of IIUM.

The Baiah ceremony is the highlight of the Taaruf week programme as they will be officially declared as IIUM students. The Rector was honoured to make the declaration at the end of the oath session by the student leaders.

Bai’ah leaders

Students from Gombak and Kuantan campus will commence their academic session on 12 October while the Pagoh campus begins on 11 October.

According to the Rector, the expectation for the students is higher in which the students need to be more vigilant on what they want to pursue and what the impacts to the university would be, and they also need to be more reflective of the environment.

œThe seven missions of the university become the key element for them to understand the purpose of why they are here. Despite the changing environment and the challenges to understand the seven missions, this is something the students must do and translate them into their daily activities, lectures and so on.

He added the oath taken by the students mentioned that IIUM will create a community that is well-balanced, just, and inclusive in which everyone has got a place and purpose in the university. ***

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