How technology assists students with learning process

By Ahmad Sissoho Alpha Sissoho

The advancement of technology has benefited the people in all aspects of life. Our focus will be on the revolutionary of education process.

In the past, usually the teacher will be the sole source for seeking knowledge and education. Today, this method has been improved with the inclusion of new technology.

Using the technology as a medium in teaching and learning process in the classroom can make learning easier and efficient. This can increase the engagement among student and teacher in the classroom.

Every teacher and instructor must be knowledgeable in using technologies as a tool during the process of teaching. The use of technologies will change the teaching structure in the classroom.

The teacher and instructor do not need to rely on only the traditional teaching method where they only lecture and sit. Gadgets such as laptop, tablet and smartphone can assist the process of learning in the classroom.

By using technology, the teacher and students will have an unlimited access to learning materials. For example, the internet which can assist the teacher and students in seeking knowledge and information worldwide.

Technology is a powerful tool that can improve and transform the process of education. It can also make teaching and learning easier for the teacher and students. The teacher or instructor can create and search learning materials and do assessment online through the use of technology which do play an important role in developing the education system. ***

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