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Information about Procardia.

If you miss a dosetake it as soon as you rememberIf it is near the time of the next doseskip themissed dose and resume your usual dosing scheduleDo not double the dose to catch up.

Signs of an allergic reactionlike rashhivesitchingredswollenblisteredor peeling skin with or without feverwheezingtightness in the chest or throattrouble breathingswallowingor talkingunusual hoarsenessor swelling of the mouthfacelipstongueor throatVery bad dizziness or passing outChest pain that is new or worseA heartbeat that does not feel normalMood changesShortness of breatha big weight gainor swelling in the arms or legsMuscle pain or crampingShakinessVery bad belly painVery hard stoolsconstipationBlacktarryor bloody stoolsThrowing up blood or throw up that looks like coffee grounds.

Some products have ingredients that could raise your heart rate or worsen your chest painTell your pharmacist what products you are usingand ask how to use them safelyespecially cough-and-cold productsdiet aidsor NSAIDs such as ibuprofen/naproxen

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experience in over 1400 patients in a noncomparative clinical trial has shown that concomitant administration of procardia and beta-blocking agents is usually well tolerated, but there have been occasional literature reports suggesting that the combination may increase the likelihood of congestive heart failure, severe hypotension, or exacerbation of angina.

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