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You must avoid alcohol for some time while toradol is effective in your body since it increases the risk of stomach bleeding.

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Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugsincluding ketorolacmay rarely increase the risk for a heart attack or strokeThis effect can happen at any time while using this drug but is more likely if you use it for a long timeThe risk may be greater if you have heart disease or increased risk for heart diseasefor exampledue to smokingfamily history of heart diseaseor conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetesTalk to your doctor about the benefits and risks of using this drug.

Toradol may also cause stomach or intestinal bleedingwhich can be fatalThese conditions can occur without warning while you are using Toradolespecially in older adultsYou should not take this medicine if you already have bleeding in your stomach or intestines.

Follow all directions on your prescription labelDo not take this medicine in larger amounts or for longer than recommendedUse the lowest dose that is effective in treating your condition.

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