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Although the urinary output increased with furosemide, there was no decrease in the renal injury, and no decrease in the incidence of renal dysfunction.

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Information about Furosemide.

The international non-proprietary name of Lasix is furosemideFurosemide is also the active substance of Lasix and belongs to the pharmacological group of loop diureticsThis pharmacological group aims to remove from the body an increased amount of water due to a decrease in the reabsorption of sodium and chloride in the special structure of the renal nephron-the loop of Henle.

Contraindications and precautions Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug and patients with anuriahepatic comaor severe electrolyte depletionContraindicated if increased azotemiaoliguriaor progressive renal disease occur during therapyUse cautiously in pregnant womenpatients with sulfa allergyand in those with hepatic cirrhosis.

Furosemide is a diuretic that is used in anti-hypertensive therapy and for the relief of edema.

Individual intolerance to the active ingredient or other components of the medication dehydration hypokalemia and/or hyponatremialow potassium and/or sodium content in the bloodfailure of renal function comatose or precomatose condition due to hepatic encephalopathy pregnancy breastfeeding.

The international non-proprietary name of Lasix is furosemideFurosemide is also the active substance of Lasix and belongs to the pharmacological group of loop diureticsThis pharmacological group aims to remove from the body an increased amount of water due to a decrease in the reabsorption of sodium and chloride in the special structure of the renal nephron-the loop of Henle.

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