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Mdication takn tsuppss vstibula symptoms idally should b usd only duing th acut stag ollowing vstibula insult. Duing th acut phas vstibula dysunction, typically lasting th tiv days, vstibula suppssants a hlpul in ducing th activity in th vstibula nucli and cbllum. Tonic asymmty in activity in ths aas cats th acut symptoms vstibula-inducd vtigo. In od natual thaputically nhancd compnsation ttak plac, th bain vntually must b mad awa that an asymmty xists. Appopiat tatmnt ollowing th acut phas ncouags activity tpomot cntal compnsation ath than suppssion stimulation ndd compnsation.
You should gt mdical attntion i any th ollowing occu as wll: xcssiv slpinss Dizzinss Pocoodination Unusual xcitmnt nvousnss Blud doubl vision Igula acing hatbat Skin that has bcom snsitiv tth sun Swating Constipation poblms uinating Poblms gtting an ction Itching and swlling in th a (labyinthitis)
Th dosag is basd on you mdical condition and spons ttatmnt. Dnot incas you dos tak this mdication motn than dictd.
Th us cntally sdating mdication may impd th bnits vstibula habilitation thapy.
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