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History of previous serious allergic drug reaction of any typeespecially cutaneous reactions such as erythema multiformeStevens-Johnson syndrometoxic epidermal necrolysis.

Avoid the use of FELDENE in patients with a recent MI unless the benefits are expected to outweigh the risk of recurrent CV thrombotic eventsIf FELDENE is used in patients with a recent MImonitor patients for signs of cardiac ischemia.

Because of reports of adverse eye findings with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agentsit is recommended that patients who develop visual complaints during treatment with FELDENE have ophthalmic evaluations.

The effects of hepatic disease on piroxicam pharmacokinetics have not been establishedHowevera substantial portion of piroxicam elimination occurs by hepatic metabolismConsequentlypatients with hepatic disease may require reduced doses of piroxicam as compared to patients with normal hepatic function.

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