By Fatimah Fawziyah
GOMBAK, 9 March 2017: The Bureau of Ikhwan Project met with Ustaz Mohd Amir Al-Karim Ng Abdullah or Ng Teong Aik at Surau Darul Salam recently, and during that precious moment Ustaz Amir Ng agreed to collaborate with Ikhwan Project for the welfare of Muallaf in Rawang.
They decided to let Ikhwan Project manage one class for every two weeks which is on Thursday night. These classes are to teach the Muallaf the tahsin in prayer and hafazan surah Juz ˜amma. However, Ikhwan Project hardly able to do much because of the barrier in language between them.
œWe wish to do more than this because our aim is not only to correct their tahsin in prayer and do hafazan. But actually, there are a lot more. We want to be close with them, understand and feel the burden they are going through. As we all know that every Muallaf has different tests or problems. Some of them might keep the problems to themselves and it is dangerous for them not only for the aqidah but their mental as well.
œWe try to contribute more by getting close to them no matter how many barriers we might have. We will try to do our best to help them in different ways. Perhaps this hardship can mould us to be creative in dakwah and increase the experience and knowledge between us. We are trying to do other alternatives Insya Allah, said the head of Ikhwan Project, Mohd Faizuddin bin Mohammad Husni, Kuliyyah of Engineering.
œTheir ages are from 20 to 60 years old. They only know Mandarin, Cantonis, and very little Bahasa Melayu. Most of them are coming from poor background family and not educated. These students hardly understand Bahasa Melayu. Here, we teach them in Mandarin and Cantonis so they can easily understand the words. It is only in Rawang that the Kelas Bimbingan Muallaf was conducted in Chinese.
œBefore this we used Malay textbooks but they hardly understand the book, but now Alhamdulillah, the Majlis Agama Islam Selangor (MAIS) has come out with Chinese textbook. There are also students here who are just three to five years reverting to Islam. We need to give more explanation and get close to them so they do not feel awkward with new lifestyle, said Ustaz Amir Ng, who is also a Radio Publisher of Mandarin language in TV Malaysia (RTM) programme, especially in dakwah programme for non-Muslims.
Besides that, the Bureau of Ikhwan Project also offered their team members to be volunteers in any of the Muallafs programme under Ustaz Amir Ng. This is to get to know and strengthen the bond between the Muallaf and the students of IIUM.***