Work ethics and human relations

By Ahmad Faizuddin 

I feel compelled to raise the issue about quality services of human relations at offices of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). The quality in managing organisational affairs at IIUM seems to be a major concern for students. Islamic quality management principles have always encouraged the best possible achievement – to go for the extra miles.

Furious with his recent encounter, a friend shared his experience in a WhatsApp group. It was 12.43 p.m. when he visited the Centre for Postgraduate Studies (CPS) while the sign stated the office hour is until 1.00 p.m. However, the front door was already locked and a “close” sign was hanging out, while three students were still inside. There was a side door where the people inside the office can use to get out. When one of the students came out from that door, my friend tried to enter but was stopped from doing so by the staff.

My friend tried to explain that he just wanted to submit a form for Certification Letter. However, he was not entertained. It was still during office hour, so why the office should close, he was wondering? Meanwhile, the CPS tagline displayed at the office behind the counter says “Commitment + Professionalism = Satisfaction.”

The above issue was raised so that others could be aware of this incident. However, to my surprise, other students responded with other cases in other offices too. One brother informed that there have been incidents where the staff and the students were exchanging words loudly at the Immigration Office. He heard a language that made his heart blown away that might be construed as unIslamic. I, myself too, had seen this exact occurrence at one of the Mahallah’s offices.

Some students in the group, however, tried to be neutral and said perhaps the staff at CPS Office didn’t have breakfast and need to have lunch as soon as possible. Others argued that the reason why most offices will not entertain students’ requests is probably because it is too close to the lunch hour. And it is also because normally it will take some time to process the queries which could end up reducing their break time.

Responding to the above issue, a sister nicely advised the group, “I think we the education students are paving our way to become future educators by contributing in accomplishing greater services in the education system. It’s not just a bunch of papers that we write, or go up to a class and lecture. By discussing and speaking up on the flaws, we are actually making a good contribution if not for IIUM, perhaps for other institutions that we work later.”

Islam has always encouraged us to serve the best for the community (ummah). In one hadith, Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “Allah loves those workers who perform their works to the best of their abilities” (narrated by al-Baihaqi).

As Muslims, it is our responsibility to fulfil the duties passionately. The fact that ritual obligations in Islam like prayer (shalat) to be performed at a prescribed period of time teaches Muslim workers the habits of doing things promptly on time, doing the right things, be diligent at work, and not making any excuses of leaving the work.

A Muslim should observe Islamic work ethics and human relations at any time. Islam encourages Muslims to fulfil any contract or covenant (aufu al-‘uquud) because it is a form of trust (amanah). The concept of aufu al-‘uquud (Qur’an 5:1) shows the nature of relationship between man and God, man and society, and man and his soul. It also encompasses both moral and social responsibilities of a Muslim. As part of Islamic work ethics, a Muslim should remember that working is one of the highest forms of worship (‘ibadah). So it must be performed seriously, diligently, and patiently to seek the pleasure from Allah SWT.

I know we are all busy with tight class schedules and research or even part-time work. But, we are advised to go to any office at IIUM early so we will have ample time to settle whatever issue we are handling. We should be aware of the value of time because it is a commodity that should be rightly invested. Most of the time, we will receive back what we give to others. So, the next time we visit any office, let us bring up front our nice smiles and show our sincere intentions.

May Allah ease our journey in the quest for knowledge. Ameen. ***

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