Charlatans and faith healers

COMPLEMENTARY healthcare or alternative medicine is currently trending in Malaysia. Products are found everywhere, online and offline, through retailers or direct selling. Some claim to be miracle cures for every ailment, including cancer. Most make grand promises on nothing more than hearsay experiences, which can easily be just a sales gimmick. Yet, Malaysians fall for the sales pitch on products that carry no scientific grounding, hitting the pockets of individuals desperate for some relief. On merely a promise and prayer, victims are persuaded to part with their hard earned money in the hope that therein truly lies a cure for whatever malady is causing good sense to desert them. The cause for this state of affairs is attributable to several reasons, such as the rising cost of modern medical care, which itself sometimes does not offer certain cure. For example, chemotherapy, though nowadays more often effective, can sometimes mean for nothing, the cost notwithstanding.

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