MT4T leads to discovery of new knowledge

By Noriha Muda

GOMBAK, 28 February 2015: The Mahallah Representative Committee (MRC) of Mahallah Asma has organised a programme called Mahallah Training for Trainers (MT4T) for all members of Block Representative Committee (BRC) at Multipurpose Room, Library.

œThe main objective we gather here today is to know about the procedure when conducting a programme since most of our MRC and BRC members are new. Besides that, we also would like to establish good cooperation between team members as we need each other when conducting a programme, said Dr. Ros Aniza Mohd. Shariff, Principal of Mahallah Asma during the opening remarks.

There were five sessions for this programme and it began with an ice breaking slot. All participants were required to do light exercises during this ice breaking. It took around 15 minutes to finish it before the first session started.

The first session was conducted by an officer from One Stop Unit, Student Affairs and Development Division (STADD), Azlina Abdul Talib. She delivered a briefing on œhow to conduct a programme. All participants were exposed on the procedures of conducting a programme including on how to write a proposal, the steps on the approval process, event management, getting and approaching possible sponsors and also on the types of programmes that can be awarded certificates.

This programme continued with the second session which is a briefing on financial procedure of a programme by an officer from Finance Unit, STADD, Nurul Maryam Mohd Nor. She talked about guidelines regarding the budget of programmes. She further explained steps on how to write a financial report. In order to test the understanding of the participants, Nurul Maryam has divided all participants into five groups and asked them to come out with a proper financial report based on the different situations.

Session three started after lunch and Zuhr prayer. This session was about a briefing on Mahallah Almanac and it was carried out by the Principal of Mahallah Asma, Dr. Ros Aniza. In this session, Dr. Ros presented all activities and programmes to be held by Mahallah Asma throughout this year. œHeart to heart session took place after the third session ended. Basically this fourth session discussed the life in the Mahallah and suggestions for improvement to be done for future changes. There were some problems reported by the residents of Mahallah Asma, so there were several future changes that have been suggested by the participants in this session.

Last but not least, the last session was a discussion among the MRC and BRC members with Mahallah Asma fellows according to the bureaus and it was done at the Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH) Asma after dinner and Maghrib prayer. The main purpose for this session was to brainstorm among members of each bureau on upcoming events. This programme ended at 10 p.m after all participants had their supper.

œWe have four objectives for this programme. The first one is that we want to train participants on how to conduct a programme. Next, we want to share ideas and solutions for every problem that we faced in conducting programmes beforehand. Third, we want to discuss together on how to ensure activities in Mahallah are more effective and lastly we want to create a dynamic communication between BRC and MRC so that there will be no gap in communicating with each other after this. Praise be to Allah because we have successfully achieved all the objectives, said Salsabilla Hassanuzin, the Programme Manager for this event. She further stated that those who missed joining this programme was quite unfortunate as this is a platform for them to get more knowledge in organising a programme.

Photo by Ummu Syuhada

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