“Gotong Royong” enhances student-staff relationship

By Tuah Wajihah Rufaidah

GOMBAK, 27 February 2015: Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Science Students Society has organised IRKHS Gotong Royong 2015 at Human Sciences and IRK Building, here yesterday. The collaboration between students of IRKHS with Daya Bersih Sdn Bhd has been endorsed to encourage the students to assist the janitors in keeping up the cleanliness of IRKHS buildings.

The joint programme was also aimed to cultivate bonding among IRKHS students. The programme was successfully led by the programmme manager, Raja Nurnasri Raja Kamaruzaman who is the president of IRKHSSS.

œIt is a good program for at least the students can experience doing duty as a cleaner and at the same time, students are able to get to know the workers better, said Hasnah Mohammad (57) who has been working as the cleaner for almost 15 years in IIUM. She expressed her excitement in joy and was truly grateful for such programme. She wished to have more of this kind of programme next time.

She expected that students are aware of the importance of maintaining cleanliness as to ensure the conductivity of their own learning environment. She also hoped that students will no longer complain about the cleaners work as to keep the place clean is not an easy task.

Aisyah Safiyyah binti Talib, 20, a first year Psychology student, said: œInitially, the reason I join this programme is because I want to get free breakfast and lunch provided by the organiser, but soon I realised that this programme was beneficial to me as I could get to know who the workers were and to know how difficult is their job to ensure the place is always clean and tidy. She also said that she has met many new friends throughout this programme.

œI enjoy participating in this programme and I hope after this the students will put their effort to maintain the cleanliness of this place together and not only be too dependent on the workers to do it, Aisyah added.

After the cleaning up of the buildings have been completed and while waiting for the meal, the emcee of the programme, Muhammad Hidayat bin Azman introduced all Secretariats of IRKHSSS to the students such as Communication Students Association (COSA), Political Science Students Association (POSSA), Psychology Students Association (Psysta) and Islamic Revealed Knowledge Students Society (IRKSS).

At the end of the programme, there was also a speech delivered by one of the representatives from Daya Bersih Sdn Bhd, Mdm. Zainab. He said: œHopefully the work students have done today will teach them on how to take care of their own place and stop complaining if there is dirtiness. Instead of complaining, they should help the workers to get rid of the mess.

The programme ended with the distribution of food to the participants.

Photos of Danial Yusuf & Tuah Wajihah

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