Curtain down for this year’s Humanitarian Expo 4.0

By Nur Najmi Jamal & Izzud deen Redzuan

‹GOMBAK, 27 February 2015: The 2015 Humanitarian Expo 4.0 ended today with a closing ceremony officiated by the Director of Centre for University Social Responsibility (CENSERVE), Dato’ Hamidon Abd Hamid. The ceremony which took place at the Business Centre just behind the Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah mosque, managed to attract more than 300 students to visit the expo.

The event allowed students to know more about the clubs that they are interested in with regards to the activities that will be offered throughout the semester.  Accompanying the Director of CENSERVE to the closing ceremony were the Senior Assistant Director of CENSERVE, Mohd Khairulzain Abd Rahman and Muhammad Asri Ismail, the President of CENSERVE and also was the Programme Manager for the Humanitarian Expo 4.0.

“I hope more students can get involved in the community services as an amal soleh since this kind of activities are part of our ibadah and it is in accordance with our university mission to bring goodness to all mankind, rahmatan lil alamin and our organisation mission, to create the culture of contributing and caring for others,“ said Dato’ Hamidon in his closing remarks.

Speaking to IIUMToday after the ceremony, he acknowledged the presence of the big number of students that had dropped their names to join the clubs and expected more participation especially from the international students. This is due to CENSERVE outreached programmes both locally such as in Sabah and Sarawak as well as at the international level such as Syria, Myanmar and Cambodia.

With the participation from the international students, they hoped that they would be able to communicate properly with the locals of the states. He also stated on the future plan of CENSERVE in expanding the nature of activities and the need of students’ contributions to promote the betterment and development of the well-being of society.

“This exhibition is another effort by  CENSERVE to promote social responsibility and strengthen sharing and caring of culture among IIUM community,” he added.

Meanwhile, Inspire Club committee members, Khuzaimah Onzer and Fatimah noted that they have successfully gathered a big number of students since the start of the expo which began on Tuesday. According to them, the Inspire Club hopes to offer more activities such as the Inspire’s bazaar, Usrah! Aku datang! and mentoring activities at various of schools this year.

‹Dato’ Hamidon was later in attendance for the prize giving ceremony. The “Most Participative Club” went to the Anak-Anak Berakhlak Islam (AKHI) club while the Student Facilitator (STEADFAST) club won the “Outstanding Booth.”

The exhibition held from 24 to 27 February saw 15 clubs under CENSERVE taking part in this year’s Humanitarian Expo 4.0.***

Photos taken by Shazni Ong

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